// this section is to explain data types in cpp

/* int x=5; here x is variable and it is of data type integer. 

we have following data types:

1. intger (1,2,3..-4,-556,    ., int)
2. char  (characters, strings?)
3. flaoting point (double,float)
4. bool
5. arrays
6. classes
7. structures


int main()

follwing code will generate the following output:
2.5	2	2.5

int data types stores less memory.

int x=9999999999999999; will generate following error.

p5_data_types.cpp:47:8: warning: overflow in conversion from ‘long int’ to ‘int’ changes value from ‘99999999999999’ to ‘276447231’ [-Woverflow]
   47 |  int x=99999999999999;


#include <climits>
#include<float.h> //will help us for FLT_DIG use which tells us the number of significant digits float,double, long double are trustworthy.
int main()
	short a;
	int b; //at least 16 bits, usually 32 bits
	long c; //32 bits 
	long long d; //64 bits
	//short<<int<<long<<long long
	//each of these have unsigned counterparts, unsigned one's will only allow positive values

	unsigned short aa;
	unsigned int bb;
	unsigned long cc;
	unsigned long long dd;
	using std::cout;
	using std::endl;
	char x=50;
	cout<<"the value of x won't be what has assigned :"<< x<<endl; 
	cout<<"sizeof char in bytes "<<sizeof(char)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(short) in bytes"<<sizeof(short)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(short int) in bytes"<<sizeof(short int)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(int) in bytes"<<sizeof(int)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(long) in bytes"<<sizeof(long)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(double) in bytes"<<sizeof(double)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(long int ) in bytes"<<sizeof(long int)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(long long) in bytes"<<sizeof(long long)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(long double) in bytes"<<sizeof(long double)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(long long int) in bytes"<<sizeof(long long int)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned short) in bytes"<<sizeof(unsigned short)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned int) in bytes"<<sizeof(unsigned int)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned long) in bytes"<<sizeof(unsigned long)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned long long) in bytes"<<sizeof(unsigned long long)<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(short) "<<SHRT_MIN<<" TO "<<SHRT_MAX<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(int) "<<INT_MIN<<" TO "<<INT_MAX<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(long) "<<LONG_MIN<<" TO "<<LONG_MAX<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(long long) "<<LLONG_MIN<<" TO "<<LLONG_MAX<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned short) "<<USHRT_MAX<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned int) "<<UINT_MAX<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned long) "<<ULONG_MAX<<endl;
	cout<<"sizeof(unsigned long long) "<<ULLONG_MAX<<endl;
	bool am_I_ok=true;

	float aaa=10.0/3;
	double bbb=10.0/3;
	long double ccc=10.0/3;

	cout<<std::fixed<<aaa*1000000000000000000<<" \twhich is true upto "<<FLT_DIG<<" digits"<<endl;
	cout<<std::fixed<<bbb*1000000000000000000<<" \twhich is true upto "<<DBL_DIG<<" digits"<<endl;
	cout<<std::fixed<<ccc*1000000000000000000<<" \twhich is true upto "<<LDBL_DIG<<" digits"<<endl;

333333326835482624.000000 	which is true upto 6 digits
3333333333333333504.000000 	which is true upto 15 digits
3333333333333333481.250000 	which is true upto 18 digits


/* Purpose of char data types is to store small numbers or characters
It is characterised in integer data types which we will see.

sizeof(char) is just 8 bits or 1 byte.

char x=''; single quotes for individual characters, x='a', double quotes are
reserved for strings.

signed char stores value from -128 to 127 and unsigned char stores values from 0 to 255.

signed char x=128;
cout<<(int) x<<std::endl; //will not provide us 128 but -127

unsigned char x=128;
cout<<(int) x <<std::endl; //will print 128.

char x='A';
cout<<(int) x ; will print 65 which is ASCII value of char A.

char x=55;
cout<<(int) x; will print 55 ;

char x=55;
cout<<x; // will print 2

char16_t and char32_t stores characters from different language(hindi,....)
these char data types gives us enough memory to store different characters.

\b delete a charater.
\n for next line.
\t for tab.
\v for verticl tab.

\a for ?

\0 for null terminating character.

\"  "\ is used to put quotes around in cout<<"I am \"vishal"\ "; will print I am "vishal".

\\ is used to print a single backslash. 

look on internet for full list of escape sequences.

Bool Data types:

bool pizza_is_bad=true; or bool pizza_is_bad=1; we can use both.

cout<<pizza_is_bad ; and cout<<bool(pizza_is_bad); will print 1.

purpose of bool variable : it is used as flag.

cout<<std::boolalpha<<pizza_is_bad<<endl; will print true or false rather than 1 or 0.

or we can use if statement:
if(pizza_is_bad) cout<<"true";

Floating point data types(float and double and long double):

int main()
	float a; //only trustworthy upto certain significant digits.
	double b;
	long double c;



1.const int x=5; //now x is a constant, it is no longer a variable.
x=10; will throw some error. This is called symbolic constant.

const int x;
x=5; will also throw some error, as x is not a variable.

2.Another way to declare constant is outside main()
#define x 10              //here x is constant (this is called macro constant)

int main()
3.Another way is to via enum: {enum y=100}; is used inside main().
