/* #include<iostream> */
/* int main() */
/* { */
/* 	//let us write a program to find factorial of an integer. */
/*     unsigned long long int n=60; */
/* 	/1* std::cout<<"Enter the number to find factorial"<<std::endl; *1/ */
/* 	/1* std::cin>>n; *1/ */

/* int	product=1; */
/* 	for (int i=n; i>0; i--) */
/* 	{ */
/* 		product*=i; */
/* 	} */
/* 	std::cout<<"the factorial is "<<product<<std::endl; */

/* } */  

//let us write a code for while loop now: 
/* *************************WHILE LOOP***************************************** */

/* #include<iostream> */
/* using std::cout; */
/* using std::endl; */
/* int main() */
/* { */
/* 	int n=5; */
/* 	int	product=1; */
/* 	while(n>0) */
/* 	{ */
/* 		product*=n; */
/* 		n-=1; */
/* 	} */
/* 	cout<<"factorial of 5 is "<<product<<endl; */
/* } */

/******************************DO while loop******************************************
 *It is used when we want to do something at least once. like running a loop untill some condition
 is met. 
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
int main()
	std::string passwd="Password123";
	std::string guess;
		cout<<"Enter the guess again"<<endl;