Generate pure gauge configurations with the Wilson gauge action by applying heat bath and over relaxation updates.
/* * main_generateQuenched.cpp * * Luis Altenkort, 2 Apr 2019 * */ #include "../simulateqcd.h" #include "../modules/gauge_updates/pureGaugeUpdates.h" #include "../modules/observables/polyakovLoop.h" #include <chrono> #define PREC double #define ONDEVICE true struct generateQuenchedParameters : LatticeParameters { Parameter<std::string> output_dir; Parameter<int> nconfs; Parameter<int> nsweeps_ORperHB; Parameter<int> nsweeps_HBwithOR; Parameter<std::string> start; Parameter<int> nsweeps_thermal_HB_only; Parameter<int> nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR; Parameter<int64_t> seed; Parameter<std::string> prev_conf; Parameter<std::string> prev_rand; // constructor generateQuenchedParameters() { addDefault(output_dir, "output_dir", std::string(".")); addDefault(nconfs, "nconfs", 1000); addDefault(nsweeps_ORperHB, "nsweeps_ORperHB", 4); addDefault(nsweeps_HBwithOR, "nsweeps_HBwithOR", 500); addOptional(start, "start"); //valid options: one, fixed_random, all_random addOptional(nsweeps_thermal_HB_only, "nsweeps_thermal_HB_only"); //thermalization e.g. 500 addOptional(nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR, "nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR"); //thermalization e.g. 4000 addOptional(seed, "seed"); //default: time since unix epoch in milliseconds (see below) addOptional(prev_conf, "prev_conf"); addOptional(prev_rand, "prev_rand"); } }; void set_seed( CommunicationBase &commBase, Parameter<int64_t> &seed ){ if ( not seed.isSet() ) { int64_t root_seed = std::chrono::duration_cast< std::chrono::milliseconds >(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count(); commBase.root2all(root_seed); seed.set(root_seed);"No seed was specified. Using time since epoch in milliseconds."); }"Seed for random numbers is " , seed()); return; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const size_t HaloDepth = 1; typedef GIndexer<All,HaloDepth> GInd; stdLogger.setVerbosity(INFO); generateQuenchedParameters lp; CommunicationBase commBase(&argc, &argv); lp.readfile(commBase, "../parameter/applications/generateQuenched.param", argc, argv); commBase.init(lp.nodeDim()); StopWatch<true> timer; initIndexer(HaloDepth,lp,commBase); Gaugefield<PREC,ONDEVICE,HaloDepth> gauge(commBase); GaugeAction<PREC,ONDEVICE,HaloDepth> gaugeAction(gauge); GaugeUpdate<PREC,ONDEVICE,HaloDepth> gaugeUpdate(gauge); PolyakovLoop<PREC,true,HaloDepth> pLoop(gauge); grnd_state<false> host_state; grnd_state<true> dev_state; ///Start new stream or continue existing one? if ( lp.prev_conf.isSet() and not lp.nsweeps_thermal_HB_only.isSet() and not lp.nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR.isSet() and lp.confnumber.isSet()) {"Resuming previous run."); gauge.readconf_nersc(lp.prev_conf()); gauge.updateAll(); ///Initialize RNG for resuming if ( lp.prev_rand.isSet() ) { host_state.read_from_file(lp.prev_rand(), commBase); } else { rootLogger.warn("No prev_rand was specified!"); set_seed(commBase, lp.seed); host_state.make_rng_state(lp.seed()); } dev_state = host_state; lp.confnumber.set(lp.confnumber() + lp.nsweeps_HBwithOR());"Next conf_number will be " , lp.confnumber()); } else if ( not lp.prev_conf.isSet() and not lp.prev_rand.isSet() and lp.start.isSet() and lp.nsweeps_thermal_HB_only.isSet() and lp.nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR.isSet() and not lp.confnumber.isSet()) {"Starting new stream."); /// Initialize RNG for new stream set_seed(commBase, lp.seed); host_state.make_rng_state(lp.seed()); dev_state = host_state; ///Initialize gaugefield if ( lp.start() == "fixed_random" ) {"Starting with all U = some single arbitrary SU3"); gSite first_site; //by default = 0 0 0 0 SU3<PREC> some_SU3; some_SU3.random(host_state.getElement(first_site)); gauge.iterateWithConst(some_SU3); } else if ( lp.start() == "all_random" ) {"Starting with some random configuration"); gauge.random(host_state.state); } else if ( lp.start() == "one" ) {"Starting with all U = 1");; } else { throw std::runtime_error(stdLogger.fatal("Error! Choose from 'start = {one, fixed_random, all_random}!")); }"On stream " , lp.streamName()); lp.confnumber.set(lp.nsweeps_HBwithOR());"Start thermalization. Doing " , lp.nsweeps_thermal_HB_only() , " pure HB sweeps."); for (int i = 0; i < lp.nsweeps_thermal_HB_only(); ++i) { gaugeUpdate.updateHB(dev_state.state,lp.beta()); }"Now do " , lp.nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR() , " HB sweeps with " , lp.nsweeps_ORperHB() , " OR sweeps per HB."); for (int i = 0; i < lp.nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR(); ++i) { gaugeUpdate.updateHB(dev_state.state,lp.beta()); for (int j = 0; j < lp.nsweeps_ORperHB(); j++) { gaugeUpdate.updateOR(); } }"Thermalization finished"); } else { throw std::runtime_error(stdLogger.fatal("Error! Parameters unclear. To start a new stream, specify nsweeps_thermal_HB_only," "nsweeps_thermal_HBwithOR and start (one, fixed_random or all_random). To continue " "existing stream, specify" "(previous) conf_nr, prev_conf and (optionally) prev_rand. Do not specify unused" "parameters.")); }"Generating up to " , lp.nconfs() , " confs with a separation of " , lp.nsweeps_HBwithOR() , " HBOR sweeps (OR/HB = " , lp.nsweeps_ORperHB() , ") ..."); for (int i = 0; i < lp.nconfs(); i++ ){"======================================================================");"Start sweeping..."); ///do separation sweeps timer.start(); for (int i = 0; i < lp.nsweeps_HBwithOR(); ++i) { gaugeUpdate.updateHB(dev_state.state, lp.beta()); for (int j = 0; j < lp.nsweeps_ORperHB(); j++) { gaugeUpdate.updateOR(); } } timer.stop();"It took " , timer.seconds() , " seconds to do " , lp.nsweeps_HBwithOR() , " HBOR " "sweeps."); timer.reset();"Plaquette = " , gaugeAction.plaquette());"Polyakov loop = " , pLoop.getPolyakovLoop()); std::string conf_path = lp.output_dir()+"/conf"+lp.fileExt(); std::string rand_path = lp.output_dir()+"/rand"+lp.fileExt();"Writing conf to disk..."); timer.start(); gauge.writeconf_nersc(conf_path, 2, 2); host_state = dev_state; host_state.write_to_file(rand_path, commBase); timer.stop();"Writing to disk took " , timer.seconds() , " seconds"); timer.reset(); lp.confnumber.set(lp.confnumber() + lp.nsweeps_HBwithOR()); } return 0; }